WIN international delegation travels to SoAlive Music Conference in Bulgaria


WIN international delegation travels to SoAlive Music Conference in Bulgaria

After holding its annual conference WINCON in Belgrade (Serbia) last week, WIN More


IMPALA’s landmark 10-point plan to reform streaming now available in 6 languages

IMPALA, the European organisation for independent music companies and national associations, launched More


Spotify’s proposal to reform streaming – The view from IMPALA members and the questions to be asked

Original post: Brussels, 7 December 2023 Gathering views from members in More


Por qué la “remuneración equitativa” no lo es: WIN reacciona a la nueva ley de Uruguay

Este mes, el Parlamento del Uruguay ha introducido un nuevo derecho a More


Why ‘Equitable Remuneration’ Is Not Equitable: WIN Reacts to the New Uruguay Law

This month, a new right to ‘Equitable Remuneration’ for performers on streaming More


The Independent Community Reacts to Deezer’s Proposed ‘Artist Centric Model’ of Remuneration

Last month, an agreement was announced between French streaming company Deezer and More


WIN welcomes new member in Bulgaria

The Association of Independent Music Publishers and Producers Bulgaria, ANMIP, has officially More