Market Research

Market research is a key part of WIN’s mission. We act as a central hub to collect data from countries around the world and describe the economics of the independent music sector.

WIN has produced three WINTEL reports to date mapping the global market share of the independent sector at copyright, rather than distribution level. The results represent the most comprehensive assessment of the global independent record label sector ever compiled. Each one analyzes data from the previous year, covering the period 2015 to 2017.

In 2022, WIN published WINTRENDS, a report that focuses on the trends observed across the independent recorded music sector globally, integrating the findings of a major collaborative global survey conducted in 2021.

The Latin American Observatory of Independent Music (OLMI) is a data analysis platform aimed at characterizing the Latin American independent music ecosystem, promoted by the trade associations ABMI, A.S.I.Ar and IMICHILE with the support of WIN.

WIN’s flagship market research project, mapping the global independent recorded music market.
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A report that turns the spotlight on the trends observed across the independent recorded music sector globally.
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The Latin American Observatory of Independent Music is a data analysis platform aimed at characterizing the Latin American independent music ecosystem.
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