Asia Pacific Music Summit and APAC Alliance

The first Asia Pacific Music Summit, an event organised by IMCJ (Independent Music Coalition Japan) with the support of WIN and the participation of our member associations LIAK (South Korea), IMNZ (New Zealand), AIR (Australia) and IMPALA (Europe), took place on October 19-20.

Associations and companies discussed how the Asia-Pacific music industry can connect with the world and demonstrate the future that the region can build through increased knowledge and cooperation.

More information on the event:

The APAC Alliance, a regional working group driven by WIN and its Asia-Pacific associations, aims to promote and facilitate dialogue to achieve these goals and unlock the potential of the region, which is becoming the centre of the world economy.

A kick-off meeting was organized prior to the summit. The first priority is to include other territories in the discussion, particularly those that currently do not have representation at WIN, such as Singapore, China and India.

Find out more about this new regional group:

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