Can the Independent Music Sector Unite Under a Set of Global Independent Values? (MBW op-ed)


Can the Independent Music Sector Unite Under a Set of Global Independent Values? (MBW op-ed)

In an opinion piece published in Musis Business Worldwide, WIN CEO Noemí More

WIN Board 2024


WIN unveils new board members

Five new regional blocs announced in international restructuring Mexico summit scheduled for More


WINCON 2023: Noemí Planas Receives AMAEI Caldas Award in Lisbon and leads annual global independent music forum.

AMAEI, the Portuguese association of independent music companies recognized Planas’ longstanding commitment More


WIN names new board, Partisan Records’ Zena White elected chair

Gee Davy (AIM, UK), Geert De Blaere (N.E.W.S., Belgium), Jason Peterson (Go More